Dr. Shawn Standard

Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon

Dr. Shawn Standard talking to an International Center for Limb Lengthening patient while showing him an x-ray of his legs

Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Shawn Standard

Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon Shawn C. Standard, MD, FAAOS, is originally from Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Standard came to the ICLL in 2003 from the Nemours Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, where he started a combined general pediatric orthopedic and limb deformity clinic. He earned his medical degree in 1995 at the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta. He completed his orthopedic residency training at the Medical College of Georgia in July 2000 and a fellowship in pediatric orthopedic surgery at Nemours, concentrating on general pediatric orthopedics with a special interest in limb deformity correction and limb lengthening.

Logo for Baltimore Magazine's 2023 Top Doctor list At the International Center for Limb Lengthening, he established a clinic with concentrations in pediatric limb deformity correction and limb lengthening. He specializes in the care of congenital deformities, congenital limb deficiencies, developmental deformities of the pediatric musculoskeletal system and pediatric orthopedic trauma care. Dr. Standard uses the latest treatment options to correct fibular hemimelia, radial clubhand, congenital femoral deficiency, dwarfism and other types of bone dysplasias. He also treats pediatric and young adult complex hip conditions, specializing in late-onset Perthes disease and hip deformities resulting from Perthes disease.

Dr. Standard is married and has four children. He often donates one week of his vacation each year as a volunteer orthopedic surgeon at the Caribbean island of Grenada and the Dominican Republic.

Pediatric Conditions Treated by Dr. Standard

Dr. Standard helps children who have a variety of orthopedic conditions:


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Published Research Articles

Click here to see a list of Dr. Standard’s peer-reviewed research articles.

Patient Stories

Click here to see stories about Dr. Standard’s patients.



Patient of Dr. Shawn Standard Shares Perthes Treatment Story

Dr. Shawn Standard Explaining Fibular Hemimelia and Congenital Femoral Deficiency

Dr. Standard Patient with Radial Club Hand Shares Story

Video of Patient with Fibular Hemimelia Treated by Dr. Shawn Standard

Dr. Shawn Standard Explaining Limb Lengthening for Dwarfism

Dr. Shawn Standard discusses his experiences with international orthopedic medical missions