
Knock Knees, Limb Length Discrepancy Virginia Dr. Herzenberg, Dr. McClure

Lexie playing tennis after surgery Lexie was born with a limb length discrepancy and had previous surgeries with Dr. Herzenberg to address it and knock knee over the years. Once she was skeletally mature—meaning her bones were finished growing—it was time for her final limb lengthening treatment.

Dr. McClure inserted a Precice internal nail in Lexie’s femur, and she began lengthening her left leg that was 2 inches shorter than her right leg. Lexie said, “The advanced technology at the Rubin Institute made the surgery to correct my leg discrepancy much easier and less painful.”

Lexie shared, “Prior to my surgeries, I had to wear a shoe with an external lift, and I experienced some difficulties with my left leg when I ran or walked for too long. Now, I can play all the sports I enjoy, including tennis, and run and walk without any problems or pain. I also no longer have to wear a shoe with a lift, which has improved my confidence as well.”

Lexie’s mom Lissa added, “Not only did my teenage daughter receive the highest quality of care, but it was the kindness and personal interest of Dr. McClure and the entire team of doctors and nurses at Sinai that made it such an incredible experience. When my daughter says, ‘Everyone is so nice and makes me feel so special!’ you know you have an extraordinary team who cares deeply and bravely. It’s been a privilege to know Dr. McClure and benefit from his expertise.”

While Dr. Herzenberg has retired from providing patient care, Dr. Philip McClure and Dr. Shawn Standard are available to treat these conditions.

  • Lexie giving the thumbs up signal in her hospital bed before surgery
  • Lexie standing with Dr. McClure in the clinic after a follow-up appointment
  • Lexie and her twin sister and brother all smiling while sitting on a couch